The identity of AP-HP International is strongly linked to that of Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris

An age-old history

AP-HP was born in the middle of the 19th century, but its roots go back to the Middle Ages: the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris was built in the 12th century, at the foot of Notre-Dame Cathedral; the Grand bureau des pauvres was created in 1544 by King Francis I, to cope with vagrancy and take care of the ifirm; the Hôpital général was founded by King Louis XIV in 1656; it took in children, the elderly, the blind, the handicapped, the insane, beggars…

At the time of the Revolution, a law of 1796 placed all hospitals under the responsibility of municipalities. In 1801, the Consulate instituted a “General Board of Directors of the Hospices de Paris”, the ancestor of AP-HP. The Act of 10 January 1849 created the “General Administration of Public Assistance in Paris” and marked the beginning of the modern history of AP-HP. For a century, AP-HP has been developing its medical activities while maintaining its mission of assisting the destitute, the elderly, the incurables and abandoned children. AP-HP underwent a major transformation beginning in the 1960s as medical and child welfare were transferred to communities.

The teaching and research component was rethought with the creation of University Hospital Centres (CHU), in 1958. At the beginning of the 2000s, new departments and poles of activity, and the establishment of hospital governance, further enhanced the modernization and efficiency of AP-HP.


AP-HP Today

AP-HP is the largest university hospital centre in Europe and is known worldwide.

Its 39 hospitals receive more than 8 million patients every year: for consultations, emergencies, scheduled hospitalisations or home hospitalisations.

AP-HP provides a public health service for all, 24 hours a day. It is both the duty and pride of AP-HP.

AP-HP is the largest employer in the Paris region: nearly 100,000 people – including doctors, researchers, paramedics, administrative staff and workers – work at AP-HP.

AP-HP in figures

8.3 millions patients

20,098 beds for all disciplines

50% of French clinical research

54 surgical wards or 315 operating theatres

1,375,538 stays in obstetric medicine and surgery (OLS) of which 55% are in day hospitals

1,505,060 emergency room visits

38,520 deliveries in 13 maternity wards

8,397 scientfic publications

100,000 health professionals

13,220 physicians and 3,680 internships

389 centres of reference for rare diseases

450 foreign physicians trained each year

825 active patent portfolios

44 expert centres for oncology

3,700,000 of hospital built area

400 euros investment each year, including equipment for 100 millions euros