Healthcare Strategy Consulting
Design of the medical project for a Mother&Child hospital in Bahrain for a builder in association with public authorities.
As part of broader studies, including feasibility studies, AP-HP International has developed several medical and establishment projects:
- Development of the establishment project of the Brazzaville University Hospital Centre in Congo;
- As part of a project management assistance for the construction of a University Hospital Centre in Benin.
Support for the design of a national public health laboratory in Lebanon on behalf of the French Development Agency.
Review of medical projects that have already been set up, AP-HP International being in the position of assistant to the project owner or funder: a regional hospital in Burkina Faso on behalf of a project promoter to ensure the reliability of a funding application.
As part of broader studies, medical project for a regional hospital for the French Development Agency in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.
Technical assistance for the promotion, in human clinics, of research work in glycobiology in Argentina on behalf of a Ministry (international call for tenders).
Design, Engineering and Supervision
Since it was founded in 2017, AP-HP International has been called upon on numerous occasions to intervene in this field.
A few past or current references are presented below:
Since 2017, assistant to the project owner and advisor to the ministry of Health of Benin for the design, construction, equipment and management of a new university Hospital Centre.
Within this framework, AP-HP International drew up the preliminary documents necessary for investment: medical project, functional and technical program, equipment plan, detailed technical program. Acting as an advisor to the project owner, AP-HP International was involved in the choice of project management and in the supervision of the various stages of design. Its role continues in preparation for the construction phase through regular supervision of the works and equipment as well as the verification of pre-opening operations when the time comes. A study on the management of the establishment is also expected.
Assistant to the project owner and advisor to an investment fund for the design, construction and/or rehabilitation, equipment, maintenance and financing of a university Hospital Centre in Abidjan, Ivory Coast since 2018.
As such, AP-HP International has produced all the preliminary studies, developed several feasibility scenarios, developed and led the procedure for choosing the project manager on behalf of its client and will assist the client throughout the project to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with international standards.
As part of broader studies, medical project for a regional hospital for the French Development Agency in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.
Supervision and expertise of medicoarchitectural feasibility studies, AP-HP International being in the position of assistant to the project owner or funder: 3 regional hospitals in Romania within the framework of European Union funding.
Since 2017, assistant to the project owner and advisor to the ministry of Health of Benin for the design, construction, equipment and management of a new university Hospital Centre.
Within this framework, AP-HP International drew up the preliminary documents necessary for investment: medical project, functional and technical program, equipment plan, detailed technical program. Acting as an advisor to the project owner, AP-HP International was involved in the choice of project management and in the supervision of the various stages of design. Its role continues in preparation for the construction phase through regular supervision of the works and equipment as well as the verification of pre-opening operations when the time comes. A study on the management of the establishment is also expected.
Assistant to the project owner and advisor to an investment fund for the design, construction and/or rehabilitation, equipment, maintenance and financing of a university Hospital Centre in Abidjan, Ivory Coast since 2018.
As such, AP-HP International has produced all the preliminary studies, developed several feasibility scenarios, developed and led the procedure for choosing the project manager on behalf of its client and will assist the client throughout the project to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with international standards.
As part of broader studies, medical project for a regional hospital for the French Development Agency in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.
Supervision et expertise des études de faisabilité médico-architecturales, AP-HP International étant en position d’assistant au maître d’ouvrage ou au financeur : trois hôpitaux régionaux en Roumanie dans le cadre d’un financement de l’Union européenne.
Biomedical Engineering and Information Systems Engineering
Advising a leading French construction company on the pricing of its equipment for a hospital in Kazakhstan.
Advice to an engineering office for the development of the equipment plan and the elaboration of the technical data sheets for the most critical medical equipment in Guinea.
Defining strategic orientations in terms of information systems as part of the construction of The University Hospital Centre in Benin.
Advice to an engineering office for the development of the equipment plan and the elaboration of the technical data sheets for the most critical medical equipment in Guinea.
Consultancy and technical assistance to a development bank on the specifications and appraisal of tenders for a capital investment plan for a hospital with over 300 beds in Turkey.
Consultancy for the definition of an information system for a new peaditrics hospital.
Management Consultancy and Assistance
Comprehensive audit (infrastructure; equipment; management and quality of care) of 13 level 2 and 3 hospitals in Benin.
Development of the establishment project of the University Hospital Centre in Brazzaville, Congo, and training programme for health managers on behalf of an French expert public agency.
As part of a general consultancy role, assessment of human resource needs for the construction of a University Hospital Centre in Gafsa, Tunisia, and assessment of the budgetary resources required for its operation.
Consulting and assistance in the assessment of the country’s human resources for health in the areas of human resources dimensioning, productivity standards and skills assessment benchmarks and tools.
Support for the opening of a hospital in Vietnam with the planning of the transfer of activities, support for the quality approach, the medical and care organization of the clinical departments, the development of care protocols and the hospital’s target business plan.